Jaydata Insurance Group plc (“Jaydata“) is committed to ensuring your privacy is protected. This Privacy Policy sets out details of the information that we may collect from you and how we may use that information, whether through this website, over the phone or in any other form of communication. Please take your time to read this Privacy Policy carefully.

Our website may contain links to other third party websites. If you follow a link to any of those third party websites, please note that they have their own privacy policies and that we do not accept any responsibility or liability for their policies or processing of your personal information. Please check these policies before you submit any personal information to such third party websites.

About Us

In this Privacy Policy references to “we” or “us” or “Jaydata” are to Jaydata Insurance Company Limited.

Jaydata Insurance Company Limited is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority and Prudential Regulation Authority.

We are the data controller of any personal information that has been provided to us. This means that we are responsible for complying with data protection laws. This Privacy Policy describes what personal information we may collect from you, why we use your personal information and more generally the practices we maintain and ways in which we use your personal information.

Who do we collect personal information about?

We collect and hold personal information about:

Representatives of policyholders, individuals covered by a policy or a third party.

Individuals who currently have or are covered by a motor insurance policy with Jaydata

Individuals who have held or were covered by a motor insurance policy with Jaydata but which is now expired or terminated

Individuals who have who have requested or obtained a quote from Jaydata but have not taken up a policy, whether the enquiry was made directly through Jaydata or via a third party, such as a price comparison website

Individuals to whom any benefit is payable under a live policy or would have been payable to under an expired or terminated policy

Users of the various Jaydata websites, including the Go Girl, Drive Smart and insure2drive websites

Third party claimants, witnesses to incidents and experts instructed in relation to claims

How we protect your information

We use a range of organisational and technical security measures to protect your information.

Where we have given you (or where you have chosen) a password, you are responsible for keeping this password confidential. We ask you not to share a password with anyone.

We restrict access to your information as appropriate within Jaydata to those who need to know that information for the purposes set out above.

Firewalls are used to block unauthorised traffic to the servers and the actual servers are located in a secure location which can only be accessed by authorised personnel. Our internal procedures cover the storage, access and disclosure of your information.